Delectable Spaghetti Recipe with White Wine and Mussel Sauce

Are you on the lookout for a dish that’s both fancy and easy to make? Look no further than this mouth-watering spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe. This delicious pasta dish is sure to impress guests, while also being simple enough for a weeknight dinner.

Not only does this recipe feature classic Italian ingredients like spaghetti and olive oil, it also includes fresh mussels simmered in a flavorful white wine sauce. The result is a tantalizing meal with a light yet complex taste.

But that’s just the beginning- this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe can be easily customized to your liking with variations and substitutions to match your tastes. Whether you prefer spicy tomato sauces or creamy mussel butter sauces, the possibilities are endless.

So don’t hesitate to give this recipe a try- it’s perfect for those who want an easy but impressive pasta dish with a bit of Mediterranean flair.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Spaghetti With White Wine and Mussel Sauce
Spaghetti With White Wine and Mussel Sauce

If you’re a pasta lover and a seafood fanatic, then this Spaghetti with White Wine and Mussel Sauce Recipe is for you! This dish is loaded with flavors that blend perfectly together. It’s an ideal meal to serve for family dinners, impressing guests, or simply when you crave a tasty seafood dinner.

What makes this recipe so popular is the combination of the delicate white wine and the briny mussels. White wine gives a fruity flavor that balances the saltiness of the mussels while providing a rich aroma. The spaghetti captures all the beautiful flavors of the sauce, turning this dish into a crowd-pleaser.

This recipe is easy to prepare and takes no more than 30 minutes to cook from start to finish. It uses fresh ingredients that are easy to find in your local grocery store, and you don’t have to be a world-class chef to make it. The best part? You can customize this recipe by substituting different pasta shapes or adding other seafood like shrimp or clams.

But wait, there’s more! This recipe isn’t just delicious; it’s also healthy! Mussels are an excellent source of protein, vitamins B12 and C, iron, manganese, and selenium. They are also low in fat, making them perfect for those who are watching their calorie intake. What’s more, mussels are sustainably farmed or caught from the wild, making them an ethical choice for any seafood lover.

In summary, this Spaghetti with White Wine and Mussel Sauce Recipe is a no-fail recipe with tons of health benefits while still being delicious. Its ease of preparation and versatility make it an instant classic favorite for any occasion. If you’re looking for a great way to incorporate seafood into your diet while still satisfying your hunger for carbs, then this recipe is perfect. Try it out today—it won’t disappoint!

Ingredient List

 Spaghetti swimming in a flavorful pool of white wine and mussel sauce.
Spaghetti swimming in a flavorful pool of white wine and mussel sauce.

Here are the ingredients you will need to make this delicious spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe:

For the pasta:

  • 1 pound spaghetti

For the mussels and sauce:

  • 2 pounds fresh mussels, scrubbed and debearded
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 onion, finely diced
  • 1 cup dry white wine + 1/2 cup extra
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Fresh chives, chopped for garnish

For the creamy white wine sauce:

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, divided
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup dry white wine

The Recipe How-To

 Get a taste of the ocean with this delicious spaghetti and mussel recipe.
Get a taste of the ocean with this delicious spaghetti and mussel recipe.

Now that we have all the ingredients ready, let’s move on to the recipe instructions that will give you a delicious spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce in no time!

Step 1: Prepping The Mussels

Start by scrubbing the mussels and debearding them by pulling their hairs out. Then, discard any open or damaged ones as they may not be safe to eat. Don’t be tempted to close them by tapping, they won’t close back up.

Step 2: Sautéing the Aromatics

To create richness and flavor, melt unsalted butter in a large pot over medium heat. Then add finely diced onion and garlic cloves that are also minced. Cook them gently for a few minutes until softened but not brown.

Step 3: Cooking The Mussels

Raise the heat to medium-high and add 2 cups of dry white wine, bay leaves, and red pepper flakes. Stir occasionally until it comes to a boil, then add in your cleaned mussels.

Reduce heat, cover with the lid, and steam them for around 5-7 minutes until they have opened up completely. Remove them from the pot using a slotted spoon and let them cool for a couple of minutes before shucking each one out of its shell.

Step 4: Preparing The Sauce

While you are shucking the mussels, keep the pot with cooking liquid aside as you will need it later to make the sauce.

To make the sauce, first pour heavy cream, diced tomatoes, olive oil into another large pot over medium heat until it starts simmering gently. Add in your reserved liquid from cooking your mussels, whisking everything together well.

Bring it to a low boil then let it reduce by half until slightly thickened (about 15 minutes) while stirring occasionally.

Step 5: Preparing The Pasta

Cook the pasta according to the instructions until done, then drain it but reserve a cup of pasta water.

Step 6: Combining and Serving

Toss your cooked spaghetti with your white wine mussel sauce, then add in your cooked mussels, fried garlicky breadcrumbs, and sprinkles of fresh chives.

And voila! Your mouth-watering spaghetti with white wine and mussel pasta is now ready to serve!

Substitutions and Variations

 Don't be shellfish, share this amazing spaghetti dish with your loved ones.
Don’t be shellfish, share this amazing spaghetti dish with your loved ones.

There are countless ways to tweak this Spaghetti with White Wine and Mussel Sauce Recipe to suit your palate or dietary preferences. Here are a few options to consider:

– Swap the spaghetti for linguine or fettuccine. These noodles are slightly wider and denser, which means they can stand up to the rich and saucy components of this dish.

– Use frozen mussels if fresh ones aren’t available. Simply thaw them and follow the recipe as directed.

– Looking for a spicier variation? Try adding crushed red pepper flakes or diced chili peppers to the garlic butter mixture.

– If you’d prefer a creamier sauce, stir in a few spoonfuls of heavy cream at the end of cooking.

– Not a fan of seafood? Replace the mussels with clams, shrimp, or any other type of seafood you prefer. You could also swap out the wine for chicken stock and incorporate diced chicken breasts into the dish instead.

– For a refreshing twist, toss some fresh chopped herbs into your pasta before serving. I recommend using fresh chives for their mild onion-like flavor.

No matter which variation you choose, this Spaghetti with White Wine and Mussel Sauce Recipe is sure to become one of your go-to favorites!

Serving and Pairing

 Save your next trip to the beach by cooking up this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce instead.
Save your next trip to the beach by cooking up this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce instead.

This spaghetti and mussels in white wine sauce recipe is a delicious and impressive dish that pairs well with a variety of wines. The delicate flavor of the mussels and the fruity flavor of the white wine sauce pair perfectly with dry white wines, such as Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, or Chardonnay.

For a light and refreshing option, try pairing this dish with a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc. This wine has high acidity and notes of citrus that complement the flavors of the spaghetti and mussels perfectly.

If you prefer a richer wine to balance out the creaminess of the sauce, choose a glass of full-bodied Chardonnay. This wine has buttery and oaky undertones that match well with the creamy mussel pasta.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try something new, consider pairing this dish with a dry rosé. The fruity notes in this wine will add depth to the flavors of the seafood and pasta.

For non-alcoholic options, consider serving this dish with sparkling water or iced tea. These refreshing drinks will cleanse your palate between bites and won’t overpower the delicate flavors in your meal.

To complete your dinner party, garnish each plate with fresh chives for added texture and presentation. With its delicious taste and versatility in pairings, this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe is sure to impress any guest.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Let the aroma of the wine lead the way to this delicious spaghetti dish.
Let the aroma of the wine lead the way to this delicious spaghetti dish.

This spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or even special occasions because the sauce can be made ahead of time. To make this dish ahead of time, simply prepare the sauce up to the point of adding the mussels. You can store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

When you’re ready to serve, gently reheat the sauce in a large pan on medium heat until it’s hot throughout. Then, add the mussels and cook them through, as directed in step four. Once cooked, serve immediately.

If you have any leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. You can easily reheat the leftover spaghetti and mussel sauce by microwaving it, or you can reheat it on the stovetop by adding a little bit of water or chicken broth to loosen up the sauce before reheating.

Overall, this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe is great for busy nights when you want a delicious and satisfying meal without spending too much time in the kitchen. Plus, you can make it ahead of time and reheat it easily for a quick dinner option during those hectic weekdays.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Step up your spaghetti game by adding mussels and white wine into the mix.
Step up your spaghetti game by adding mussels and white wine into the mix.

To ensure that this Spaghetti with White Wine and Mussel Sauce recipe comes out perfectly, I have some tips that you might find helpful.

1. Clean the Mussels Properly

Mussels can contain sand and other debris, so it’s crucial to clean them thoroughly before cooking. Start by scrubbing them on the surface to get rid of any dirt or grit. Then, pull off any beard-like threads by firmly tugging on them with a cloth or a pair of pliers.

2. Use Fresh Ingredients

Using fresh ingredients will undoubtedly improve the flavor of your dish. It’s best to opt for fresh mussels rather than frozen ones as they have more flavor and are less likely to turn rubbery due to overcooking.

3. Don’t Overcook the Mussels

Overcooking mussels can cause them to become chewy and tough, ruining the texture of your dish. To prevent this from happening, cook them only until they’ve opened up (about four to five minutes). If any mussels remain closed after cooking, discard them, as they could be spoiled.

4. Cook Pasta Al Dente

Al dente means “to the tooth” in Italian, which refers to pasta cooked until it’s firm but not hard. To achieve the perfect al dente texture, cook your pasta in plenty of salted water for the minimum amount of time stated on the package instructions.

5. Save Some Pasta Water

Before straining your pasta, reserve a cup of cooking water to add to your sauce if it’s too thick or dry. The starch in the noodles will emulsify with the sauce, creating a creamy consistency.

By following these few tips, you are sure to achieve excellent results every time you make this dish!


Before we conclude, let’s address some frequently asked questions (FAQ) that you might have about this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe. These answers will provide clarification on some of the ingredients, cooking methods, and storage tips.

What does adding white wine to pasta sauce do?

A useful tip for enhancing tomato sauce is to use white wine instead of red. Although red wine can add richness and boldness, using white wine can bring forth a surprising touch of fruity flavor that can elevate the sauce.

What wine is best for mussel pasta?

If you are looking for a wine to pair with mussels that are baked and flavored with garlic and breadcrumbs, then a Pinot Grigio or other Italian white can be a great option. You can also go for an unoaked Chardonnay or a fruity Sauvignon Blanc like Sauvignon de Touraine. All of these wines will complement the dish and enhance its flavors.

Should you add white wine to spaghetti sauce?

When it comes to adding flavor to tomato sauce, both red and white wines are great options. Red wine has a strong and bold flavor that can make the sauce richer, while white wine can add fruitiness to it. For best results, add the wine in the initial stages of cooking, right after the veggies have softened.

What to serve with mussels in white wine sauce?

When it comes to enjoying Moules Marinières, opting for a side of crusty bread or flavorful French fries is a decision you won’t regret. Additionally, a light and refreshing salad can add a pleasant contrast to the dish.

Bottom Line

you’ll want to try this spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe for an irresistible taste of the ocean. The rich, creamy white wine sauce infused with garlic and onion brings out the fruity flavors of the dry white wine, perfectly contrasting with the lean protein-rich mussels. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create an elegant and sophisticated pasta dish that is sure to impress your loved ones.

But don’t stop here! With so many variations and substitutions available, you can experiment with different types of seafood such as clams or shrimp, or add a spicy tomato sauce for a richer kick. Whether you are looking for a quick dinner for two or hosting a dinner party with friends, this recipe is a great value option that will satisfy even the most demanding palates.

So go ahead and indulge in one of these 17 mouth-watering ways to cook with wine, whether you prefer creamy mussel hair pasta or steamed mussels with garlic butter. Make any day special by cooking your favorite seafood pasta dish accompanied by a refreshing glass of dry white wine.

Don’t wait any longer—try out our spaghetti with white wine and mussel sauce recipe today!

Spaghetti With White Wine and Mussel Sauce

Spaghetti With White Wine and Mussel Sauce Recipe

Lovely recipe for entertaining or a romantic meal! To spice it up, remove the cream and add a pinch of chilli flakes.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Calories 1230.8 kcal


  • 8 ounces spaghetti
  • 2 ounces butter
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 1/4 cups white wine
  • 1 1/2 lbs fresh mussels, scrubbed and beards removed
  • 6 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1 lemon, juice of
  • salt & freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons fresh chives, chopped, to serve


  • Cook the spaghetti according to packet instructions. Drain and set aside to keep warm.
  • Meanwhile, heat the butter in a saucepan and gently fry the onion until soft but not coloured. Add the garlic and cook for one minute.
  • Add the white wine, bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes until reduced by half.
  • Discard any mussels with cracked shells or which do not close when tapped.
  • Add the mussels to the pan and cover with a lid.
  • Cook over a medium heat for 4-5 minutes, shaking the pot occasionally.
  • Discard any mussels that haven't opened.
  • Add the cream, lemon juice and cooked spaghetti to the pan. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir well to coat the pasta.
  • To serve, place the pasta into a serving bowl and sprinkle over the chives.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 762gCalories: 1230.8kcalCarbohydrates: 111.5gProtein: 57.5gFat: 49.1gSaturated Fat: 26.7gCholesterol: 217.9mgSodium: 1169mgFiber: 4.7gSugar: 6.5g
Keyword < 30 Mins, European, Mussels, One-Dish Meal, Spaghetti, Summer
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