Delicious Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe for Salads

Do you want to add a unique and delicious taste to your salad dressing recipes? Look no further than honeyed wine vinegar! This simple yet flavorful recipe is the perfect combination of sweet honey and tangy wine vinegar. It’s easy to make with just a handful of ingredients, and it can transform any basic salad into a gourmet dish.

The secret to this recipe is using a combination of white and red wine vinegar, sweet red wine, and Slide Ridge Honey Wine Vinegar from Marx Foods. The dried figs and raisins add a subtle sweetness and texture to the vinaigrette, while honey adds depth and richness.

Whether you’re making mead, or simply looking for a new salad dressing staple, the honeyed wine vinegar recipe is sure to be a go-to for many culinary experiences!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Honeyed Wine Vinegar
Honeyed Wine Vinegar

Are you looking for a versatile and flavorful vinegar that you can use for all your favorite salad dressing recipes? Introducing honeyed wine vinegar, a unique vinegar recipe that combines the sharp tang of wine vinegar with the mellow sweetness of honey, dried figs and raisins. This delicious vinegar will surely be appreciated in any salad or dressing recipe.

Honeyed wine vinegar is easy to make and requires only a few simple ingredients. The combination of white wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, and sweet red wine results in a complex flavor that is both tangy and slightly sweet. When combined with honey, which gives it a subtle sweetness and depth in flavor, this vinegar becomes an outstanding addition to any kitchen.

Adding dried figs and raisins into the mix ups the ante which provides just enough sweetness to make it a great accompaniment to any vegetable or fruit salad. The dried fruits add their unique blend of flavors that entices your taste buds while enhancing the natural savory goodness of your salads.

Not only is honeyed wine vinegar delicious, it has some health benefits as well. Raw honey contains antioxidants while red wine contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that promotes healthy heart function. With every sip of this delightful drink, you are getting beneficial nutrients with no added sugar!

In summary, honeyed wine vinegar will elevate all of your home cooking game by adding sweet, tangy pizzazz to any dish! Whether you’re making a simple green leaf salad or experimenting with exotic dressing recipes, be sure to try this amazing condiment made with all-natural ingredients such as Slide Ridge Honey Wine Vinegar 1:2 and Ridge Honey White. Once you try this one-of-a-kind recipe, you’ll never go back to store-bought vinegar again.

Ingredient List

 Pouring honey into the mixture, bringing sweetness to the acidity.
Pouring honey into the mixture, bringing sweetness to the acidity.

Here’s what you will need to make Honeyed Wine Vinegar:

White Wine Vinegar: This can be substituted with red wine vinegar or a combination of both if preferred.

Sweet Red Wine: A good quality sweet red wine is best for this recipe.

Dried Figs and Raisins: These add a hint of sweetness and texture to the vinegar.

Honey: Adding honey enhances the sweet aroma of the wine and adds richness to the vinegar.

Olive Oil: A small amount of olive oil balances out the acidity of the vinegar.

Dijon Mustard: It helps to emulsify the dressing and gives it a slightly tangy flavor.

Salt and Pepper: Add as per your taste.

These ingredients can be found in most grocery stores. Our top recommendation for honey is Slide Ridge Honey, which is famous for its high-quality honey made from local sources. Marx Foods is also a great choice for sourcing unique ingredients such as sweet red wine which will add an additional layer of depth to your recipes.

The Recipe How-To

 A close up of the delicate bubbles formed during the fermentation process.
A close up of the delicate bubbles formed during the fermentation process.

Step 1: Creating the Base Mixture

  • In a small pot, combine 2 cups of wine vinegar and ½ cup of honey.
  • You can use any type of wine vinegar you prefer, but I recommend using a combination of both white wine vinegar and red wine vinegar to add depth of flavor.
  • Add in eight dried figs and a handful of raisins, along with a pinch of salt (1/4 tsp) and pepper (1/4 tsp).
  • Place the pot over medium heat and stir the contents occasionally. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes until the honey dissolves completely into the vinegar mixture.

Step 2: Infusing Honey

  • After removing the mixture from the heat, let it sit for an hour at room temperature. This will allow the flavors to meld together.

Step 3: Sweetening the Mixture

  • Strain out all solids from the mixture through a mesh sieve into a clean bowl.
  • Return the strained liquid back to the small pot, and add 2 tablespoons honey in it. Stir well to dissolve the honey.

Step 4: Reducing The Mixture

  • Bring this mixture back to a simmer over low heat, stirring every so often.
  • Allow most of the liquid to evaporate until only around 1/4 cup of the mixture remains, which should take about an hour.
  • The resulting infusion should be thick and syrupy like balsamic glaze.

Congratulations! Now you’ve successfully made your own delicious Honeyed Wine Vinegar!

Substitutions and Variations

 The amber golden hue of honeyed wine vinegar exudes elegance and refinement.
The amber golden hue of honeyed wine vinegar exudes elegance and refinement.

One of the great things about this honeyed wine vinegar recipe is how versatile it is. Below are some substitutions and variations you can try to make this recipe your own:

– Vinegar Selection: If you don’t have white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar could be used as a substitute. However, keep in mind that this will change the overall flavor of the recipe.

– Wine Selection: A sweet red wine works best for this recipe because of the sweet notes it adds. Still, you can use other types of wine such as white wine, dry red wine or honey wine to give variation and develop unique flavors.

– Dried Fruit Selection: Instead of using dried figs or raisins, feel free to substitute with other dried fruits like cherries, apricots, cranberries or blueberries. Citrus fruit peel is another alternative that also adds an acidic and tangy element.

– Honey Type: This recipe uses Slide Ridge Honey Wine Vinegar which provides a depth of flavor unmatched in other types of honey. But if you do not have access to it, regular honey will work well too. Use honey with complex flavors like buckwheat or clover for a richer tang.

– Spice Additions: Add extra depth and warmth by mixing cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg or black pepper into the mixture during its preparation.

No matter what substitutions you make, this homemade Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe will provide you with deliciously tangy and sweet results perfect for your salad dressing making preference or for your drink making experience – making mead at home!

Serving and Pairing

 The smell of honeyed wine vinegar is both sharp and sweet, the perfect balance of flavors.
The smell of honeyed wine vinegar is both sharp and sweet, the perfect balance of flavors.

Once you’ve made this honeyed wine vinegar recipe, you’ll want to use it all the time. It’s perfect for dressing a salad of mixed greens or drizzling over roasted vegetables. Try adding it to your marinades as a substitute for white or red wine vinegar to impart a unique, complex flavor.

For a delicious salad, combine chopped apples, toasted walnuts, and crumbled blue cheese with mixed greens. Drizzle the honey wine vinegar over everything and toss for an incredibly tasty dish bursting with savory and sweet flavors.

This vinegar also pairs perfectly with roasted meats like pork or chicken. Use it as a finishing glaze just before serving for a little extra zing.

Or try using this honeyed wine vinegar on its own or combined with oil and dijon mustard as dipping sauces for warm crusty bread at your next dinner party.

Overall, the possibilities are endless when using this rich and decadent honeyed wine vinegar. Get creative and experiment with different combinations of flavors until you find your perfect match!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The blending of wine and honey creates a symphony of flavors and aromas, which tantalizes the senses.
The blending of wine and honey creates a symphony of flavors and aromas, which tantalizes the senses.

One of the best things about this Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe is that it can be made ahead of time, giving you one less thing to worry about when preparing a meal. You can prepare the vinegar up to a week in advance and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to use.

When you are ready to use the vinegar, give it a good shake as some separation may have occurred. The fruity and tangy flavors will still be present, with just a hint of sweetness from the honey.

If you want to reheat the honey wine vinegar, gently warm it on low heat in a small saucepan. Be careful not to let it boil, as this could affect the flavor and texture of the vinegar.

Since this recipe makes a large batch, you may have leftovers after making your salad or dish. The vinegar can be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated for up to two weeks. Upon reheating, check the taste and adjust acidity or sweetness with additional honey or vinegar accordingly.

This Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating section highlights how versatile and convenient this Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe is. It saves precious time in meal prep, can be used multiple times within two weeks due to its storing capacity, and promises to maintain its delightful flavor profile even after being reheated.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Perfect for marinating meat, a splash of honeyed wine vinegar infuses flavors into tender cuts.
Perfect for marinating meat, a splash of honeyed wine vinegar infuses flavors into tender cuts.

One important thing to keep in mind when making honeyed wine vinegar is that the quality of your ingredients will affect the final product. Be sure to use high-quality honey, wine vinegar, and sweet red wine for best results.

When combining the ingredients, it’s important to whisk them together thoroughly, making sure that the honey is fully dissolved in the vinegar and wine. This will ensure a smooth and consistent flavor throughout.

For a deeper and richer flavor, you can experiment with using different types of honey and wine vinegar. White wine vinegar can be used as a substitute for red wine vinegar if you prefer a milder taste. Similarly, balsamic vinegar can be added for a complex, slightly sweet flavor.

For those who enjoy a stronger honey taste, consider adding more honey to your recipe. Adding 1-2 tablespoons of honey more than suggested will result in a tangy-sweet blend of flavors.

If you want to create a thicker vinaigrette texture or consistency in your Honeyed Wine Vinegar recipe, use olive oil or dijon mustard as thickener. You may also choose to use cornstarch which is an efficient thickener.

Finally, when storing your Honeyed Wine Vinegar, it’s important to keep it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. The mixture can be stored up to two weeks at room temperature and up to six months if refrigerated.

Employing these tips will help make your Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe stand out from ordinary ones.


As we conclude this recipe, it’s important to address some common questions that may arise. In this section, I will answer some frequently asked questions related to making honeyed wine vinegar. Whether you’re new to making your own vinegar or an experienced cook looking for more information, these FAQs will help ensure that your vinegar comes out perfectly every time. So let’s delve into these commonly asked questions without further ado.

What is honey wine vinegar?

This vinegar is made from the fermentation of honey wine, resulting in a vibrant and delicious flavor that captures the essence of sunshine.

Can you make honey vinegar?

The process of making mead involves combining raw honey, water, and yeast, and allowing it to ferment for around eight months, resulting in a low-alcohol wine. A “mother” bacterium is then introduced, which converts the alcohol into vinegar, giving it a distinct flavor profile.

How long does it take to ferment wine vinegar?

As time passes, a distinct sour smell should start wafting from the fermentation vessel. I recommend taking a small sip once a week to keep track of the progress. Allow about 8 weeks for the alcohol to transform into vinegary goodness or until the vinegar bracingly puckers the inside of your mouth, indicating that it’s time to pour the concoction through a strainer, and put it in a bottle.

How to make mother wine vinegar?

To create a flavorful red wine vinegar, begin by heating it up in a saucepan for approximately 10-15 minutes at low heat. Once warmed, transfer it into a barrel or pot, and add a bottle of wine before covering it with a lid. The mixture should be kept in a warm location for roughly 2-4 weeks for optimal results. After this time, inspect the mixture to determine if a mother culture has formed, and taste test it to verify that the wine has indeed transformed into vinegar.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, making your own honeyed wine vinegar at home is not only easy and cost-effective but also incredibly delicious. Whether you use it in salad dressings, marinades, or sauces, this sweet and tangy vinegar will take your dishes to the next level. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a versatile condiment that will become a staple in your kitchen.

From the sweetness of honey to the tartness of vinegar and the fruity notes of red wine, this recipe is a perfect combination of flavors that will delight your taste buds. Plus, with various substitutions and variations available, you can customize your vinegar to your liking.

For those who enjoy drinking, making mead or exploring different wine vinegars recipes, this honeyed wine vinegar is an excellent addition to your collection. The unique blend of honey and red wine creates a depth of flavor that is hard to find in other vinegars.

Therefore, whether you are an experienced cook or just starting out, I highly recommend giving this recipe a try. Not only will it impress your family and friends, but it will also elevate the taste of your meals without breaking the bank. So what are you waiting for? Grab a bottle of Slide Ridge Honey Wine Vinegar and get started on creating an amazing honeyed wine vinegar today!

Honeyed Wine Vinegar

Honeyed Wine Vinegar Recipe

From Aglaia Kremezi. Her attempt to create an interesting vinegar resembling balsamic vinegar. It has a deep flavour and a woody aroma, and makes an excellent addition to any salad or raw or cooked vegetables. 3-4 week standing time.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Condiment
Cuisine Global
Servings 1 quart
Calories 1346.3 kcal


  • 3 tablespoons thyme-flavoured honey
  • 1 1/2 cups raisins
  • 5 dried figs, chopped
  • 2 cups sweet red wine, such as greek mavrodaphne
  • 2 cups good-quality red wine vinegar
  • 1 cup good-quality white wine vinegar
  • 1 cup total of different kinds of fresh wood chips, such as pine,oak,maple,apple and walnut (tied in a double-layer of cheesecloth)


  • In a nonreactive saucepan, combine the honey, 1 cup of the raisins, half of the chopped figs and the sweet wine.
  • Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer, stirring from time to time, until reduced to 1 cup.
  • Pass the mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl, pressing on solids, and discard raisins and figs.
  • Tie the remaining raisins and figs in a piece of cheesecloth.
  • Combine the flavoured wine with the red and white vinegars in a clean 1 ½-quart jar.
  • Add both cheesecloth packages (the dried fruit in one, the wood chips in the other).
  • Cover and let stand for 3-4 weeks, shaking from time to time.
  • Discard both cheesecloth packages, pass the vinegar through a dampened coffee filter into a 1-quart bottle and cover tightly.
  • Honeyed Wine Vinegar will keep for 1 year stored in a cool, dark place.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 1272gCalories: 1346.3kcalCarbohydrates: 263.2gProtein: 8.6gFat: 1.4gSaturated Fat: 0.2gSodium: 49.5mgFiber: 12.3gSugar: 203.5g
Keyword < 30 Mins
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