Mouth-watering pork fillet recipe for foodies

Welcome to my kitchen! Today, I’m going to share with you a fancy yet easy roast pork recipe that will impress your guests and leave everyone asking for seconds. This recipe features succulent pork fillet cooked in a delicious fortified wine and dried cranberries sauce that seals in all the flavors.

If you’re thinking that this recipe sounds too complicated or time-consuming, let me assure you that it’s not. With just a few ingredients and some quick prep work, you can have this dish ready to impress in no time.

One of the reasons why I love this recipe is because it’s so versatile. You can use either pork tenderloin or loin depending on your preferences, and you can substitute the dried cranberries and apricots with other dried fruits if you like.

So, what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves, grab your apron, and let’s get started. I guarantee that once you try this pork fillet with fortified wine and dried cranberries recipe, it will become a regular on your menu for special occasions or even just a weeknight dinner.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries
Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries

Are you looking for a fancy yet easy recipe that will impress your guests? Look no further than this Pork Fillet with Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries recipe! This dish is sure to be a hit at any dinner party or family gathering.

The combination of flavors in this recipe is truly mouth-watering. The sweetness of the dried cranberries pairs perfectly with the savory taste of the pork fillet, while the port wine sauce adds a rich depth of flavor that will have your taste buds dancing. Plus, the addition of rosemary and roasted garlic takes this dish to the next level for a truly gourmet experience.

And not only does this dish taste amazing, but it’s also easily customizable to your preferences. Substitutions and variations are listed in the recipe, allowing you to make adjustments based on what you have on hand or what suits your taste buds.

Not to mention, this dish is perfect for impressing even the toughest critics. With its unique blend of flavors and visually stunning presentation, your guests will be thoroughly impressed by your culinary skills.

So what are you waiting for? Try out this Pork Fillet with Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries recipe tonight and prepare to wow your guests with this delicious, one-of-a-kind dish.

Ingredient List

“A perfect blend of sweet and savory: Pork Fillet with Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries”

Here’s everything you’ll need to make this fancy yet easy roast pork fillet with fortified wine and dried cranberries.

Ingredients 1:

  • 1 (1 1/2 to 2-pound) boneless pork fillet
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

Ingredients 2:

  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup dried apricots, chopped
  • 1/4 cup port wine
  • 1/4 cup fortified wine (such as Sherry or Marsala)
  • 2 cups low-sodium beef or chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Sauce ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup port wine
  • 1/4 cup fortified wine (such as Sherry or Marsala)
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

This recipe can be easily adapted to your preferences. For example, if you cannot find dried cranberries, you can substitute them with prunes or other dried fruits. Additionally, the pork tenderloin can be substituted for pork loin or even beef tenderloin medallions. The possibilities are endless!

The Recipe How-To

“Add some color to your plate with this vibrant Pork Fillet dish”

Marinate the Pork Fillet for Moisture and Flavor

Before we start cooking, let’s marinate the pork fillet first. In a bowl, mix 1 cup of port wine, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of minced garlic, and 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper. Add the pork fillet or tenderloin and coat it well with the mixture. Cover and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Roast the Marinated Pork Fillet

Preheat your oven to 375°F. Remove the marinated pork fillet from the marinade and discard the excess marinade. In a roasting pan, place the fillet and roast it for about 25-35 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 145°F. Let it rest for 3-5 minutes before slicing it.

Make the Cranberry Port Sauce

While waiting for the pork fillet to cook, let’s make the cranberry port sauce. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, add 1 cup of port wine, 1/2 cup of dried cranberries, and 1/4 cup of dried apricots (substituted with prunes or dried plums if desired). Let them simmer for about 8-10 minutes or until they are softened and rehydrated.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the fruit to a blender or food processor and add 2 tablespoons of cold unsalted butter. Blend them until they form a smooth paste.

In a separate saucepan over medium heat, pour in the port wine pan sauce (the liquid from our first step) and stir in the fruit paste that we made earlier. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of freshly minced rosemary, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Keep stirring until the sauce thickens and seals the flavor of your tenderloin pork.

Serve and Enjoy

Once the pork fillet is cooked, slice it into 1/4-1/2 inch thick medallions or portions. Arrange them on a serving platter and spoon some port sauce over each slice. Or serve it beside the meat in a gravy boat.

This grilled pork fillet with fortified wine and dried cranberries recipe is perfect for impressing your guests, but it’s so easy that even novice home-cooks can make it. Serve it with some roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes for a fancy yet easy roast that everyone will love!

Substitutions and Variations

“The perfect choice for a cozy and comforting dinner party”

Are you looking to switch things up or modify this pork fillet recipe with fortified wine and dried cranberries? Here are some great substitutions and variations to consider:

– Meat alternatives: Not in the mood for pork? Try using chicken breasts, beef tenderloin medallions, or even grilled pork chops instead. Just be sure to adjust cooking times based on the cut of meat you choose.

– Dried fruit swaps: If you’re not a fan of dried cranberries, feel free to use dried plums (prunes), apricots, or a mix of different dried fruits instead.

– Wine choices: While this recipe calls for port wine, you could also use a dry red wine for the sauce instead. Experiment with different types of wines to change up the flavor profile.

– Herbs and spices: For an extra burst of flavor, try using different herbs and spices such as thyme, sage, or nutmeg. You can even play around with adding a touch of heat by incorporating some cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes.

– Stuffed roast pork loin: If you’re feeling fancy yet still want an easy roast pork option, try making a pork loin stuffed with dried cranberries, garlic, and rosemary. Or upgrade to Dubreton pork for an even more savory dish!

No matter what substitutions or variations you choose to make, just be sure to stick to the basic cooking method and ingredients listed in this recipe for the best overall outcome. The cranberry port sauce seals the deal on the perfect meal!

Serving and Pairing

“Impress your guests with this sophisticated yet simple recipe”

This pork fillet recipe is fancy yet easy to prepare, and it pairs beautifully with a variety of side dishes and wines. The dish boasts a blend of flavors, with the tanginess of the dried cranberries, the warmth of the ground cinnamon, and the richness of the port wine sauce.

To serve, slice the pork fillet into thin medallions and spoon the port wine sauce over the top. This dish pairs well with a variety of sides, such as roasted potatoes, green beans or steamed asparagus. For something fresh and light, consider serving this dish with a simple arugula salad tossed in lemon juice and olive oil.

As for wine pairing, I recommend serving this pork fillet with a bold red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah. The tannins in these wines will complement the richness of the pork and help balance out the sweetness of the port wine sauce. Alternatively, you could also serve this dish with a nice fortified wine to echo the flavors in the dish. A rich and sweet Port would be an excellent choice.

Overall, this pork fillet recipe is versatile enough to be paired with a variety of sides and wines, making it an excellent choice for dinner parties or special occasions.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

“A succulent Pork Fillet guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds”

One of the greatest things about this pork fillet with fortified wine and dried cranberries recipe is that it can be made ahead of time. You can marinate the pork in advance, and prepare the stuffing mixture and port wine sauce a day before you plan to serve it.

To make the most of your time, I recommend prepping all the ingredients before you start cooking. This way, you can quickly assemble the stuffed pork fillet when you’re ready to cook it. The pork can be kept in the refrigerator until you’re ready to roast it.

If you find yourself with leftovers, don’t worry! This dish tastes just as fantastic the next day. You can store any extra stuffing or port wine sauce in separate containers in the fridge. When you’re ready to reheat, simply slice the pork fillet into medallions and warm it up in a pan with a splash of olive oil.

One thing to keep in mind when reheating is to be gentle with the pork. Since it is already cooked, overcooking it during reheating may make it dry and tough. I recommend using a low heat setting on your stove and flipping the medallions often to ensure even heating.

When reheating the port wine sauce or leftover stuffing, add a splash of water or chicken stock to help maintain their moisture. This will prevent them from drying out and becoming lumpy.

With these tips, you’re sure to enjoy this pork fillet with fortified wine and dried cranberries recipe for days after your initial meal!

Tips for Perfect Results

“A hearty and wholesome meal that’s easy to make”

If you want to have a fancy yet easy roast pork dish with the perfect balance between sweet and savory, then this Pork Fillet with Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries Recipe is the recipe for you. From the ingredients list to the cooking process, everything seems simple enough. However, there are a few tips that can elevate your dish and achieve perfect results.

Firstly, marinate your pork fillet or tenderloin for at least 1-2 hours or overnight with the marinade ingredients – port wine, dried cranberries, garlic, rosemary, pepper, and olive oil. This will allow the meat to absorb all of the flavors and become more tender. For an added twist, dried plums or prunes can be added as substitutes for dried apricots and cranberries.

Secondly, remember to remove your marinated pork from the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking to let it come down to temperature. This ensures that it cooks evenly throughout and retains its juiciness.

Thirdly, when cooking the pork fillet or tenderloin, sear it on high heat on all sides before putting it in the oven. Then roast it in a preheated oven at 375°F for 15-20 minutes until cooked through but still slightly pink in the center. Test doneness by using a meat thermometer, making sure that it reads between 145-160°F.

Fourthly, don’t forget to make the port wine pan sauce. Once you’ve roasted your pork fillet or tenderloin, remove it from the pan, then deglaze it with some more port wine and broth. Scrape up any browned bits left on the pan because this is where all the flavors are! Then add some dried cranberries and butter, let it simmer until thickened to your desired consistency.

Finally, let your cooked pork rest uncovered for about 10 minutes before slicing it. This step is important to let the juices redistribute. Pour your cranberry port sauce on top, and voila! You’ve got a delicious, restaurant-quality dish that you can serve to impress your family and friends.

By following these tips, you can achieve a moist, succulent pork fillet or tenderloin with a tangy yet sweet flavor that comes from the combination of dried cranberries and port wine. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or just want to have special weekend dinner with your loved ones, this recipe is a must-try!

Bottom Line

I hope you’ll enjoy this Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries recipe as much as I do. It’s fancy yet easy to make, and the flavors are simply divine. The combination of port wine, dried cranberries, and roasted garlic is simply irresistible.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with the recipe by substituting ingredients or adding your own twist. For instance, you could substitute the dried apricots with prunes or dried plums, or use beef instead of pork.

This recipe works great as a main course for dinner parties or special occasions. Serve it with a side of roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes for a complete meal. You could also pair it with a glass of red wine such as Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon for an unforgettable dining experience.

Remember to follow the recipe carefully and use high-quality ingredients for perfect results. And don’t forget to store any leftovers properly in an airtight container in the fridge.

Now go ahead and try out this delicious Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries recipe! Your taste buds will thank you for it.

Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries

Pork Fillet With Fortified Wine and Dried Cranberries Recipe

Another find from the Weekly Times. I did use 3 fillets for 4 people but am posting the recipe as written My family loved this and I served this with mashed potatoes to help soak up the sauce.......Yum.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 50 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine European
Calories 196.7 kcal


  • 2 thick pork fillets, about 750g
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • salt & freshly ground black pepper
  • 15 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 60 g dried cranberries
  • 1 cup wine, sweet fortified
  • 1 cup beef stock
  • 1 tablespoon cherry jam
  • lemon juice, squeeze of


  • Trim any skin and fat from the pork fillets and cut the fillet into large pieces - about 8cm is ideal. Don't worry if there are slightly smaller end pieces, you are seeking to end up with most pieces about the size of a small apple.
  • Season the pork pieces with cinnamon, salt and pepper.
  • Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan until foaming. Add the pork pieces and saute them until brown, 3-5 minutes.
  • Turn them over, lower the heat and leave until browned on the outside and just cooked to your taste, 5-7 minutes. Transfer flillet's to a plate and keep warm.
  • Discard all but a teaspoon of fat from the pan then add the dried cranberries, wine and stock and boil until reduced by half, stirring to dissolve the pan juices, for 10-12 minutes.
  • Add the cherry jam and lemon juice and stir until dissolved. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  • Add the pork pieces back to the sauce in the pan and reheat for a minute.
  • Arrange plates and spoon over the sauce. Serve at once.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 209gCalories: 196.7kcalCarbohydrates: 7.5gProtein: 11.4gFat: 8.7gSaturated Fat: 3.2gCholesterol: 39.5mgSodium: 280.2mgFiber: 1.1gSugar: 3.5g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Australian, Low Cholesterol, Vegetable
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